Privacy Policy Commitment at BouncingBall8

When you visit our website, BouncingBall8, and use our app, Facebook may collect and process your data. BouncingBall8, as the app operator, allows Facebook to place cookies on your device, even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

Privacy policy

Here’s a breakdown of how BouncingBall8 and Facebook handle your data when you use the app. Since BouncingBall8 has limited influence over the data collected and processed by Facebook, we can’t provide detailed information on how Facebook uses your data. We’ll keep an eye on updates and adjust our privacy policy accordingly.

Please be aware that you use this app and its features at your own risk, especially when using interactive functions like commenting, sharing, and rating.

Potential for Objection and Removal

You can change your mind about allowing us to use your data anytime. If you email us, you can tell us to stop storing your data, and we’ll do it. We’ll also delete any data we already have before you make the request.

Potential for Objection and Removal

Some data collection is necessary for the app to work, like storing data in log files. In these cases, you can’t object because it’s essential for the app’s operation.

Data Subject Rights

If your data is being processed, you have certain rights as follows:

Data Subject Rights
  • Right to Information: You can ask BouncingBall8 or Facebook for details about your stored personal data.
  • Correction, Deletion, or Restriction: You have the right to correct, delete, or limit the processing of your data.
  • Right to Object: You can object to processing based on legitimate interests, public interest, or profiling unless there are compelling reasons for the processing.
  • Data Portability: You can request to receive your data in a format that allows you to transfer it to another service.
  • Complaint to Supervisory Authority: You have the right to complain to a supervisory authority if you believe your rights are violated.
  • Right to Revoke Consent: You can withdraw your consent to the collection, processing, and use of your data at any time for the future.

To exercise these rights, you can contact both BouncingBall8 and Facebook using the provided contact options. If you contact us, we will forward your request to Facebook, especially if it concerns Insights data, and Facebook will respond in line with the Page Insights Supplement obligations.

The Objective of Data Processing

BouncingBall8 is active on social networks to connect with interested users and keep them informed about our products, events, and news.

Objective of Data Processing

When you visit our app, your browser sends certain data to Facebook’s web server for technical reasons, whether or not you’re logged into your Facebook account. Facebook also uses “cookies,” which are small text files stored on your device through your browser. These cookies help BouncingBall8 gather statistics about visits to our app, assisting in managing our marketing efforts.

Data Processing Description and Extent

As the app operator, BouncingBall8 can receive anonymized statistical data about visitors to our app through the free APP Insights function provided by Facebook. This data is collected using cookies set by Facebook, each containing a unique user code stored on the visitor’s device. The user code, associated with the login data of Facebook-registered users, is collected and processed when the app is accessed.

The fan page operator, in this case, BouncingBall8, can access demographic data provided by Facebook about its audience. This includes information about age, gender, relationship status, professional situation, lifestyle, interests, purchases, and online behavior. Even though Facebook transmits visitor statistics to BouncingBall8 in an anonymized form, these statistics are compiled based on the prior collection of personal data through cookies set by Facebook on visitors’ devices for statistical purposes.

Data Processing Description and Extent

We receive data on Facebook groups similarly linked to our app. Due to Facebook’s ongoing changes, details about data availability and processing are best explained in Facebook’s data protection information mentioned earlier and under “Processing of Personal Data By Facebook.”

We use this aggregated data to enhance the appeal of our app posts and activities. For instance, we tailor our content based on age and gender distributions, plan posts according to users’ preferred visiting times, and adjust visual designs based on the type of devices users use. As per Facebook’s terms of use, agreed upon when creating a profile, we can identify subscribers and fans, view their profiles, and access shared information.

In addition to automatically collected anonymized data, we also process data voluntarily provided by you, such as comments on posts or contacting us.

Deletion and Duration of Data Storage

We delete or block personal data when its storage purpose no longer applies. Storage may continue if required by European or national laws or regulations. Data is also blocked or deleted when storage periods specified by these standards expire, unless there’s a need to keep the data for contract conclusion or fulfillment.

Deletion and Duration of Data Storage

Privacy Policy Conclusion

In conclusion, BouncingBall8 emphasizes its commitment to user privacy while acknowledging the influence of Facebook’s data collection practices. The app provides users with the option to object to data processing and outlines their rights, including information access, correction, and the ability to revoke consent. BouncingBall8 aims to enhance user experience through aggregated data but assures users of their ability to control their personal information and offers a straightforward process for data deletion.